How to work with Sub-Themes in IMSMA.mxd

Revision as of 23:49, 27 June 2015 by Alnaucler (talk | contribs)

If you would like to add a Sub-Theme, you need to use ArcGIS software to update IMSMA.mxd which is located in C:\IMSMAng\server\gis\maps folder.

  1. For each item there is one User Defined Theme in the IMSMA.mxd.
  2. Copy the whole group by right-click and chose Copy.
  3. Then select the highest level for the item, in this case Lands.
  4. Right-click and chose Paste Layer(s).
  5. Drag it to where you want it to be.
  6. Rename it and edit the symbols.
  7. Use the same syntax as another layer for this item e.g. by Type.
  8. Apply the same change to the other layers in the same group.
  9. Save the IMSMA.mxd and close ArcMap.
  10. Rename your background mxd. This mxd must not previously been merged/imported into IMSMANG.
  11. In the IMSMA client (if your configuration is client/server then start the IMSMA client on the server computer) go to File, Import, Map.
  12. Import the background map which will be merged with the updated IMSMA.mxd.
  13. Verify in Map Display that the changes are applied.