Language Issues

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As described in How does IMSMA know which language to use? it is the Regional settings on your computer in combination with the language files in the C:\IMSMAng\client\resources\com\fgm\imsma\lexicon folder which determine which language IMSMANG will use.

Case IMSMANG has all files for the language

Case IMSMANG does not have all files for the language OR the translations have not been imported to the database

In this case the regional settings is set to Spanish (Colombia) and the menues etc. are in Spanish but the enumeration values are without translations.

Spanish wo trans.png

The Spanish translation of enumeration values have not been imported into the database

See this page how to create Spanish translation for enumeration values.

Case IMSMANG does not have files for the language

If the regional settings is set to e.g. Swedish then IMSMANG will use the English and the English but there are no translations stored in the database for Swedish so enumeration values will be without any translation as in the case above.

Swedish wo translation.png

There are no Swedish translation of enumeration values in the database

If there are no plans to translate IMSMANG to the local language/variation then it is recommended to

  1. check in Data Inventory Manager which is the code of the local language/variation (e.g. sv for Swedish)
  2. export the English translations
  3. rename the file (e.g. trans_sv)
  4. update the first row in the file to the new language code
  5. import the file as the local language/variation.