Education Details Uncategorised

Revision as of 13:17, 15 October 2016 by Alnaucler (talk | contribs)
Note.jpg The Education child table for Education details is called mredetail and the entity type is called MRE_DETAIL.


DIM Label Data type Database column name Enumcategory Pojo name'
Audience Age Info Single-select agerangeenum_guid Age Range AgeRange
Military Audience Single-select audiencemilitary_guid AudienceMilitary AudienceMilitary
Mine Action Personnel Audience Single-select audiencepersonnel_guid AudiencePersonnel AudiencePersonnel
Audience Single-select audiencetypeenum_guid Audience Type AudienceType
Inactive - audiencetypeother AudienceTypeOther
 % Female Numeric femalepercentage FemalePercentage
 % Male Numeric malepercentage MalePercentage
- Parent mre_guid Mre
- String mredetail_guid Guid
Education Sub Type Single-select mresubtypeenum_guid MRESubType MreSubType
Education Type Single-select mretypeenum_guid MRE Type MreType
Where did the activity take place? Place place_guid Place
Total Audience Number Integer totalaudience TotalAudience