Assistance Uncategorised

Revision as of 21:54, 27 January 2016 by Alnaucler (talk | contribs)


Note.jpg The Assistance parent table is called victim_assistance and the entity type is called Assistance.

The Assistance child table for Given assistance is called victim_assistance_assistance and the entity type is called VICTIM_ASSISTANCE_ASSISTANCE.
The Assistance classification table is called assistance and the entity is called ASSISTANCE.


Label Database column name Data type
Assistance decided by victim_assistance_decided_by_guid Single-select
Assistance given at victim_assistance_given_at_guid Single-select
Assistance given by victim_assistance_given_by_guid Single-select
Assistance ID localid String
Assistance Name name String
Assistance paid by victim_assistance_paid_by_guid Single-select
Comment comments Text
Cost/Grant cost Numeric
Currency currency_guid Single-select
Needs assessment done by needs_assessment_done_by_guid Single-select
Number of Direct Beneficiaries number_of_direct_beneficiaries Integer
Number of Indirect Beneficiaries number_of_indirect_beneficiaries Integer
Priority priority_enum_guid Single-select
Status status_guid Single-select
Status changed comment status_change_comment Text
Status changed date status_changed_date Date
Status changed reason status_change_reason_guid Single-select