How to Unblock IMSMA server
When a user by mistake has clicked on the Block button during IMSMA server start-up you may unblock it in the Windows Firewall. In this example Windows 7 and the Firewall used is Windows own.
- Go to the Control panel and choose Windows Firewall.
- In the left pane, choose Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall.
- Scroll down to Java(TM) Platform SE binary
- Click on the Detail button and verify that you have found the correct Java(TM) Platform SE binary row with C:\imsmang\java\bin\javaw.exe
- Click on Network Location Types.
- Specify which types of networks IMSMA server is allowed to function on.
- Click OK.
- Verify that the IMSMA server row is activated.
- Test to start the IMSMA server.
- If it does not work then repeat until the necessary network types are allowed.