Windows 8 and Windows 10

Revision as of 16:05, 17 February 2014 by Alnaucler (talk | contribs)

PostGreSQL configuration

If you get these error messages in the log:

Note.jpg psql: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "::1", user "postgres", database "postgres", SSL off

The pipe has been ended

when you restore a backup or create a new IMSMA database you need to update C:\IMSMAng\pgsql\data\pg_hba.conf with a text editor.


  1. Open the file C:\IMSMAng\pgsql\data\pg_hba.conf with a text editor e.g. Notepad
  2. Remove the # on row 86 and save the file
  3. Restart the PGSQL service

If you do not have any text editor installed you may download the file (need to be unzipped) or copy and rename pg-hba-Win7.conf in the installation package.


If you need to create shortcuts on the desktop:

  • Target = C:\IMSMAng\trayLauncher\IMSMA.exe
    Icon = %SystemDrive%\IMSMAng\client\images\new_IMSMAin24.ico
    Do not forget to set Run as administrator.

  • Target = C:\IMSMARE\webapp\show.bat
    Icon = = %SystemDrive%\IMSMARE\webapp\resources\public\images\new_IMSMAin24.ico


    There have a few cases where permission on Program files makes manually created subfolder invisible and the files inside the folder not usable. This has been noticed with the fallback font folder. One work-around is to re-install Java to a folder outside Program files.