Importing and Exporting Data with IMSMANG

Revision as of 19:06, 12 September 2014 by Alnaucler (talk | contribs)

IMSMA allows you to import and export various types of data, including map files, auxiliary data files, geospatial points, translations, and data entry forms. The sections below describe how and from where you can import/export data in IMSMA.


Map Data

Importing Map Data

Note.jpg The .mxd of the map file and corresponding shapefiles should be located on a local drive on your computer. The .mxd should have an unique name and has never been imported into IMSMANG before. Recommended size of the file should not exceed 2 GB.

To import an IMSMA map:

  1. From the File menu, select Import.
  2. From the Import menu, select Map.
  3. The Map Manager window displays.
  4. Navigate to the location of the .mxd file that you would like to import.
  5. Select the .mxd file.
  6. Click the Import button.
  7. A message stating that the map import was successful displays.

Exporting Map Data

Note.jpg Before you export the map, you should zoom in as close as possible to the area on the map that you would like to export. The further out you are zoomed from your map, the longer it will take to export the map.

The export map feature allows you to save a copy of the map extent either to an .apm format so that it can be imported into ArcPad for more advanced geoprocessing, or to a .pdf file as an un-editable visual snapshot.

Map Manager Export window

Map Manager Export window

Exporting Map Data For Use in ArcPad

To export the IMSMA map extent for use in ArcPad for more advanced geoprocessing:

  1. From the File menu, select Export.
  2. From the Export menu, select Map.
  3. The Map Manager: Export window displays.
  4. Enter the file name in the Name field.
  5. Select the .apm, ESRI Arc Pad Map option from the Format menu.
  6. Click the Browse button.
  7. Navigate to the directory where you would like to save a copy of the map.
  8. Click the Open button.
  9. Click the Export button.
  10. The map is saved in .apm format. The Map Export Complete window displays.
  11. Click the OK button.
  12. The Map Export window closes.

Exporting Map Data as a PDF File

To export the map in a .pdf format:

  1. From the File menu, select Export.
  2. From the Export menu, select Map.
  3. The Map Manager: Export window displays.
  4. Enter the file name in the Name field.
  5. Select the .pdf, Adobe PDF option from the Format menu.
Note.jpg Selecting the .pdf option creates a visual snapshot of the map as it displays in the Map pane, and this image cannot be manipulated further. Before exporting, you should display the map exactly as you want it to look (show or hide icons, shapes, and pins, recentre the map, zoom in or out, and so on).
  1. Click the Browse button.
  2. Navigate to the directory where you would like to save a copy of the map.
  3. Click the Open button.
  4. Click the Export button.
  5. The map is saved in the .pdf format. The Map Export Complete window displays.
  6. Click the OK button.
  7. The Map Export window closes.

Geospatial Data

Note.jpg Find information on how to import geospatial data from Excel and shapefile to Task, Auxiliary data or to a Data Entry Form.

XLS Import

The XLS Import feature allows you to import data into IMSMANG using from an Excel file. This allows large amount of data being imported in another format than maXML.

Note.jpg Before you can import data in XLS format, system administrators must create scripts and mapping files that specify how the data fields contained in the XLS files are be mapped to the data fields in IMSMA, the import order, import logic, reconciliation rules and any error handling. The client's configuration in and should also be verified.
Note.jpg To use import XLS-file, you must have XLS Import permission. Contact your IMSMA administrator if you have questions on permissions.

The import functionality has three parameters:

  • Import Ordering File - defines which script files to be run and in what order
  • Processing Directory - where are the script files
  • Import Data Directory - where are the Excel file(s)

To import an XLS file:

  1. From the File menu, select Import.
  2. From the Import menu, select XLS File.
  3. The XLS Import window displays.
    XLS Import window

    XLS Import window

  4. Click the Browse button next to the Import Ordering File field.
    1. The Open window displays.
    2. Navigate to the directory where the Import Ordering File is located.
    3. Select the file (.txt or mtxt).
    4. Click the Open button.
    5. In the XLS Import window, the folder and file name are displayed in the Import Ordering File field in the Import window.
  5. Click the Browse button next to the Processing Directory field to select the directory.
    1. The Open window displays.
    2. Navigate to the directory where the script file(s) are located.
    3. Click the Open button.
    4. In the XLS Import window, the folder name is displayed in the Processing Directory field in the Import window.
  6. Click the Browse button next to the Import Data Directory field to select the directory.
    1. The Open window displays.
    2. Navigate to the directory where the Excel file(s) that you would like to import is located.
    3. Click the Open button.
    4. In the XLS Import window, the folder name is displayed in the Import Data Directory field in the Import window.
  7. Click the Import button.
  8. The Import Results window displays with the contents of the migration.log, migration_errors.log, and migration_dataissues.log. The log files are generated in the Processing Directory specified during the import.
  9. Verify that the import was successful, and click the Done button.
  10. XLS/CSV Import Results window

    XLS/CSV Import Results window


Data Entry Forms (maXML)