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Import Geospatial Data from Excel

187 bytes added, 12:42, 23 June 2016
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<li>The selected coordinate reference system at in the geospatial widget ''Point and Polygon/Polyline List'' window is the coordinate system for need to be the same as the coordinate data in the Excel input file. Please note that the ProjName column in the Excel input file is purely for manual reference and not used in by the Point Editor import from Excel Import function.</li><li>When a '''Poly ID''' is provided, the coordinate data is will be a polygon/polyline point. Otherwise, the coordinate data is considered a '''single point'''.</li><li>If you would like to import geospatial data for multiple polygons/polylines, use different PolyIDs, keep the points for each shape together in the spreadsheet and begin each new shape with point number 1make the Point ID unique in the file. The example shown below illustrates a spreadsheet which defines two polylines.
<li>The Point ID cannot be NULL, and must be '''unique''' across all points in the Excel spreadsheet '''and''' existing points in the Points table and Polygon/Polyline points table at the geospatial widget of the target object.</li>
<li>The Point Type must be valid. But if Point Type is not filled in, point 1 will be imported as a starting point; all other points will be imported as turning points.</li>
<li>The Xcoord and Ycoord values must conform to the coordinate reference format selected at the geospatial widgetwindow. Available coordinate formats are: ''dd'', ''dd:mm'', ''dd:mm:ss'', ''X/Y'', and ''MGRS''.</li>
<li>If the Bearing, Distance, and FrPointID are not ''NULL'', the Xcoord and Ycoord values will be disregarded/voided.</li>
<li>The Bearing value must be in the range of -360 to +360.</li>
<li>If Distance/Bearing is used than the first point of the polygon(s) must have coordinates i.e. the first point cannot be relative to e.g. the Benchmark.</li>

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