Enter Needs Assessment Data in the Data Entry Form

Revision as of 10:20, 16 February 2015 by Dionysia (talk | contribs)

You will find more information about the Needs assessment classification here.

Needs Assessment is entered in a table format (a.k.a. table widget) in the Data Entry Form.

Data Entry Form Editor Window – Needs Assessment Table

Data Entry Form Editor Window – Needs Assessment Table

To enter Needs Assessment data:

  1. Click Add to open the Needs Classification window.
    Select Needs Classification 2.png
  2. Select one or more Needs Assessment that you want to add, then click Submit.
    Note.jpg If you click Add to add another of the same Needs Assessment to the table, a separate row is created. (The quantity of the original row does not change.)
    More fields Needs Assessment.png
  3. Quality is automatically set to 1.
  4. Specify Priority by selecting in the combo box.
  5. Specify Status by selecting in the combo box.
Note.jpg To remove a Needs Assessment from your Data Entry Form, select the row and click EcksButton.png.