
Enter Place Data in the Data Entry Form

16 bytes removed, 11:24, 16 February 2015
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[[Image:Place widget NG empty.png|500px|center]]
You will find more information about Places [[Auxiliary Data#Places | here]].
<li>Click the [[Image:Select a Place.png]] button. [[Image:Place widget NG empty.png|500px|center]]</li>:<li>The Place Selection window displays.</ol>
[[Image:Select a Place 2.png|center|500px|''Place Selection Window'']]
<div align="center">
''Place Selection Window''
</div> <ol start="2"/li>
<li>If you would like to limit the Places displayed in the Place Selection window you can do so by applying a filter. To apply a filter to the Places:</li>
<ol type="a">
<li>Click the row for the Place that you would like to select.</li>
<li>Click the '''OK''' button.</li>:The Place name displays in the Data Entry Form Editor window.</ol>
{{New_6.0 | To clear a previously-made selection from a data entry formData Entry Form, click the [[Image:Select a Place.png]] button, check the '''No Selection''' checkbox, and click '''OK'''.}}</li></ol>
{{NavBox HowTo Enter Data}}