Add a new symbol to IMSMA.mxd

Revision as of 16:32, 27 January 2016 by Dionysia (talk | contribs)

When the Mine Action Programme has added values to an enumeration list that is used in Map Display then a symnbol has to be designed and added to the IMSMA.mxd. You need to use ArcGIS software to update IMSMA.mxd which is located in C:\IMSMAng\server\gis\maps folder.

Add new symbol0.png

IMSMA layer Place - Symbol missing


As an example, Place by Type theme will be used and in this example a symbol for Office needs to be added to Place Type.

    Add new symbol1.png

    IMSMA layer Place - by Type

  1. Right-click on the layer and choose Properties in the menu.
  2. The following window displays.
  3. Add new symbol2.png

    Layer Property window - Symbology tab

  4. Go to the Symbology tab. Note how the Value is written and the difference between Value and Label. You need to write exactly like the Value is written for the existing symbols (including spaces) for the new symbol.
  5. Note.jpg The syntax is different for different types of symbols. It is not possible to edit the Value so if you did a mistake then delete the Value row and start over with Add Values.
  6. You will find the Value in the Data Inventory Manager.
  7. Add new symbol3.png

    Data Inventory Manager - Place node

  8. Double click on the Type row.
  9. Add new symbol4.png

    Option list window

  10. Click on the Translate button.
  11. Add new symbol5.png

    Translation window

  12. The Value that you will use in the IMSMA.mxd is listed in the Base Term column. You need to write exactly as it is written here including spaces.
  13. Switch back to ArcMap and click on the Add Values button.
  14. Add new symbol6.png

    Add Values

  15. Fill in the new Value using the syntax from Step 3 and the Base Term found in the Data Inventory Manager.
  16. Click on Add to List button.
  17. Click on OK.
  18. Add new symbol7.png

    Label & Symbol

  19. Set Label for the new Value.
  20. Click on the symbol and set the symbol. If you need guidance on how to work with symbols, see Change existing symbol in IMSMA.mxd.
  21. When you are done, click on OK.
  22. Add new symbol8.png


  23. Verify your symbol in the legend.
  24. Add new symbol10.png

    IMSMA layer Place - by Type

  25. Apply the same change to the other layers in the same group.
  26. Rename your background mxd. This mxd must not previously been merged/imported into IMSMANG.
  27. In the IMSMA client (if your configuration is client/server then start the IMSMA client on the server computer) go to File, Import, Map.
  28. Import the background map which will be merged with the updated IMSMA.mxd.
  29. Close the IMSMA client and open it again in order to be sure that the Map pane is refreshed.
  30. Add new symbol9.png

    New symbol is added in Map Display

  31. Verify in Map Display that the changes are applied and load the new theme and verify that it looks OK in the Map Pane.