
Manual Geospatial Data Entry

419 bytes added, 18:00, 5 November 2017
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There are two different types of coordinates:
* absolute i.e. you know the coordinates
* relative means that instead of entering coordinates, you use the distance and bearing '''from''' an absolute point.
==How to Manually Add coordinates for Point data ==__NOEDITSECTION__
To manually add geospatial data for a point:
<li>Click the [[Image:FieldTemplateIcon.png]] button above the Points table of the Point and Polygon/Polyline List window. [[Image:PointandPolyListWindow.png|500px|center]]</li><li>From the Point window, enter the point number in the Point No. field. Note that this is a required field.</li></ol>
{{note|The fields available in the Points window will depend on the coordinate reference system that you selected.}}
<div align="center">
''Different Point Windows''
</div> <ol start="3"/li>
<li>Select the type of point that you are defining in the [[Point Types|'''Point Type''']] field.</li>
<li>Enter the local identifier for the point in the '''Point ID''' field. Note that this is a required field.</li>
<li>Do one of the following:</li>
*To enter an absolute point, enter the coordinates in either the '''X/Longitude''' and '''Y/Latitude''' fields, or the '''MGRS''' field.
{{note|Absolute points are those points for which you know the coordinates. Relative points are those points for which you may not know the coordinates, but you do know the distance and bearing from an absolute point.}}
*To enter a relative point:
<ol type="a">
<li>Enter a description for the point in the '''Point Description''' field.</li>
<li>Do one of The three buttons have the followingfunctions:</li>*To '''OK''' button will save the point and close the Point window, click the . '''OKApply''' button.:If you entered a relative will save the point, keep the coordinates for the point are calculated based on Point window open and update the distance and bearing that contents which is convenient when you enteredwould like to add more points. *To save the point and continue adding more points, click the '''ApplyCancel''' button.*To will close the Point window without saving the point data, click the '''Cancel''' button.
If you entered a relative point, the coordinates for the point are calculated based on the distance and bearing that you entered.
When you have finished entering geospatial data, click the [[Image:PreviewPoints.png]] button and preview on the background map that the coordinates are in the '''correct''' part of the country, on the correct side of the road, etc.
==How to Manually Add Polygon and Polyline Points==__NOEDITSECTION__
{{Warning| It is very important to enter points of polygons or polylines in the order they should be drawn in.}}
To manually add geospatial data for a polygon or polyline:
<li>Click the [[Image:FieldTemplateIcon.png]] button above the Polygon and Polyline Points table of the Point and Polygon/Polyline List window.[[Image:PointandPolyListWindow.png|500px|center]]</li>:<li>The Polygon/Polyline Editor window displays. [[Image:Polyline Points 2.png|500px|center]]</li>
<li>Enter the identifier for the polygon or polyline in the Polygon/Polyline Shape ID field.</li>
<li>Select either the Polygon or Polyline option from the Type field.</li>
<li>Select Poly Property</li><li>Click the [[Image:FieldTemplateIcon.png]] button.</li>
:The Point window displays.
<div align="center">
''Different Point Windows''
<li>From the Point window, enter the point number in the Point No. field. Note that this is a required field.</li>
<li>Do one of the following:</li>
*To enter an absolute point, enter the coordinates in either the '''X/Longitude''' and '''Y/Latitude''' fields, or the '''MGRS''' field.
{{note|Absolute points are those points for which you know the coordinates. Relative points are those points for which you may not know the coordinates, but you do know the distance and bearing from an absolute point.}}
*To enter a relative point:
<li>Select the point from which the distance and bearing are defined from the From Point list.</li>
<li>Enter a description for the point in the Point Description fieldNormally only points like Benchmark and Reference points have descriptions.</li><li>Do one of The three buttons have the followingfunctions:</li>*To '''OK''' button will save the point and close the Point window, click the OK button.:If you entered a relative '''Apply''' button will save the point, keep the coordinates for the point are calculated based on Point window open and update the distance and bearing that contents which is convenient when you enteredwould like to add more points. *To save the point and continue adding more points, click the '''ApplyCancel''' button.*To will close the Point window without saving the point data, click the Cancel button.
If you entered a relative point, the coordinates for the point are calculated based on the distance and bearing that you entered.
When you have finished entering geospatial data, click the [[Image:PreviewPoints.png]] button and preview on the background map that the coordinates are in the '''correct''' part of the country, on the correct side of the road, etc.
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