Custom defined fields must have a unique combination of item, name and data type.
- From the Customisation menu, select Data Inventory Manager.
- In the left pane of the Data Inventory Manager window, select the item and the data category to which you would like to add a CDF.
- In the right pane of the Data Inventory Manager window, click the
- Enter a name in the Name field. The name should be
- maximum 60 characters long
- only allowed characters are a - z and 0 - 9 i.e.
- cannot contain . , / \ ( ) ! ? - @
- cannot contain space/blanks
- cannot contain capital/upper case character
- cannot start with a digit.
- Enter a label in the Label field. The label is the default custom defined field’s name that the user will see in the Data Entry Form Manager window.
- Select the data type for the custom defined field from the Data Type list.
Data Types for Custom Defined Fields
Data Type
Description and Comments
Text Field
unlimited characters
Month, day, year
≤15 decimal points
Allows the user to select organisational data
Allows the user to select place data
Country Structure
Allows the user to select country structure level data
Multiple Select
Allows the user to select zero or more values provided in the CDF Values field
Single Select
Allows the user to select one value from provided values in the CDF Values field
- Enter a description for the custom defined field in the Description field.
Display options for single-select and text CDFs
For Text and Single Select CDFs, there are two different display formats to choose between.
In version 6.0 two different display formats for Text fields has been introduced.
Adding values for multi- and single-select CDFs
If you selected the Multiple Select or Single Select option, click the
Add multi- and single-select value window
Enter the value for the list in the Value field.
When you have completed entering the values for the list, click the Done button.