Update the Localisation Files

Revision as of 22:40, 27 January 2016 by Dionysia (talk | contribs)
Note.jpg To modify the localisation files, you should use Rosetta-J.

The three files that are used for localisation need to be created for each new language. Each language has a unique language code. IMSMA is using the Window's codes. See which code should be used in the Data Inventory Manager.

  1. From the Customisation menu, select Data Inventory Manager.
  2. Click on the Translate button in the Data Category pane of the Data Inventory Manager window.
  3. Find the desired language in the Language list and note the code e.g. km for Khmer.
  4. Contact your GICHD IM advisor for guidance on how to get started.
Note.jpg If you are running IMSMANG in a client/server installation and modify the properties files, you will need to copy this file to the C:\IMSMAng\client\resources\com\fgm\imsma\lexicon folder of each client computer.


The IMessage.properties file contains the error messages and warning messages used by IMSMANG. The file is located in the C:\IMSMAng\client\resources\com\fgm\imsma\lexicon folder.


The ITerms.Properties file contains terms used in menus, tooltips and field names in IMSMANG. The file is located in the C:\IMSMAng\client\resources\com\fgm\imsma\lexicon folder.

Warning.jpg There are two terms that should not be translated and affects how dates are written in IMSMANG, see more details here.


The third files contains Data Inventory categories, enumeration values, Custom Defined Fields' labels, etc. The file is exported from File menu → Export → Translations. When the translation to desired language is finished, the file is imported into the database.