
Modify an IMSMA Map

81 bytes removed, 10:43, 15 March 2015
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{{note| Note that these procedures are done outside of IMSMA{{IMSMANG}}.}}
Major All modifications to the IMSMA {{IMSMANG}} background maps must be performed in an external desktop GIS application such as ArcMap 10.1. To change existing maps:#Close the IMSMA client.#Copy any new all layers to the a folder ''<IMSMA Installation Directory>'ouside'\server\gis\maps\''Map_Name'' directory, where ''Map_Name'' is the name of the map that you would like to change.#Open the .mxd file from the ''<IMSMA Installation DirectoryDirector>''\server\gis\maps\''Map_Name'' folder.#Change the map .MXD file as needed. From ArcMap you canExample of editsn:
#*Set minimum and maximum display levels for each layer
#*Add, modify, and remove raster and vector layers
#*Add, modify, or remove labels from vector layers
#*Group and ungroup layers
#:Although ArcMap an external GIS application allows you to make other changes to the map, the changes listed above are the ones that can be viewed with IMSMA{{IMSMANG}}.#Save the .mxd MXD file with a '''new''' name.#Import the new .MXD file.#Test the new .MXD with {{IMSMANG}} and exit ArcMapevaluate performance.#Restart Share the IMSMA clientnew .MXD file and '''all''' layer files.
{{NavBox HowTo Setting up Maps}}