
Search and Index Local IMSMA Wiki

1,533 bytes added, 15:56, 29 May 2017
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In Local IMSMA Wiki you have two different search options: [[Image:Kiwix Search functionality.png|700px|center]]<div align="center">'' Kiwix - Two different Search functionalities''</div> <ol><li>Clicking on [[Image:Kiwix Search icon.png]] activates the '''Find in text''' functionality which search only in the current page. The search pane is located at the bottom of the Kiwix window.  [[Image:Kiwix Find in text.png|700px|center]]<div align="center">'' Kiwix - Find in text pane''</div></li> <li>If you would like to Search for something in all pages, type your word and click Enter. [[Image:Kiwix Search pages.png|700px|center]]<div align="center">'' Kiwix - Search pages''</div> [[Image:zim_error.png|300px|center]]<div align="center">'' If you get this error message then you need to create a search index''</div></li></ol> === Create Search Index===__NOEDITSECTION__ <ol><li>In order to be able to Search in all pages, an index must be generated.<li>Go to ''C:\IMSMAng\trayLauncher\exe\Kiwix'' and double-click on the file ''ImsmaWiki.zim''.<li>There is no menu option to create a search index. The index creation is triggered by searching.<li>Search for e.g. ''gis''.[[Image:Kiwix Index.png|500px|center]]<div align="center">'' Kiwix - Create index''</div></li><li>Click '''OK''' [[Image:Kiwix Index confirm.png|200px|center]]<div align="center">'' Kiwix - Create index finished''</div></li> <li>An index progress bar will appear in the lower right corner of the Kiwix window.</li></ol> {{NavBox HowTo Help menu}}[[Category:ELRNAA]]