
Publish and Archive Summary Templates

118 bytes added, 20:46, 13 March 2015
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[[File:ViewManager.png|thumb|200px|alt=A screenshot of the Summary Manager window, displaying the all available Victim summariesSummary templates.|Summary Manager Window]]
If you publish a summarySummary Template, it replaces becomes the [[Summary Window]] active template for all items of a given typethat item. For example, if you publish a custom Victim summarySummary Template, it replaces the default previous[[Victim View Summary Window | Victim Summary Window]] that displays when you select any Victim. But it does not display when you select an item of a different type, such as an Education or Accident. Note that the previously-published summary Summary Template is regressed to a the status of ''archived'', and is still accessible from the Summary Manager window.
==Publishing a Summarytemplate==__NOEDITSECTION__
# From the [[IMSMA Navigation Window]], click '''Customisation > Summary Manager'''.
# Select an item from the '''Object''' menu to display its complete list of summariesSummary Templates.#Select a summary Summary Template from the item's list with a status of either ''draft'' or ''archived''.#Click the [[Image:PublishViewIcon.png | 20px | Publish]] button.
==Summary Statustemplate status==__NOEDITSECTION__''draft'' is the status given to a summary template that has been saved, but never published. Once it has been published for the first time, a summary template can no longer have a draft status. Draft summary templates can be deleted.
''published'' is the status of the active summary you see when you template which is used to display an item's [[Summary Window]]. Only one summary template can be published at a time for each item type. Published summary templates cannot be deleted.
''archived'' is the status given to a previously published summary after it has been unpublishedtemplate when another summary template is published. Archived summaries Summary templates are still accessible from the Summary Manager and can be published again later. Archived summarys summary templates can be deleted.
''draft'' is the status given to a custom summary that has been saved, but never published. Once it has been published for the first time, a summary can no longer have a draft status. Draft summaries can be deleted.{{NavBox HowTo Current Views}}
{{NavBox HowTo Current Views}}[[Category:NAA]]