Victim Summary Window

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There are several types of classification of Victims:

  • type of Accident the Victim is linked to
  • Victim statistic category (APMBT, CCM, CCW, MOTAPM)
  • Vulnerable group (Female headed household, HIV positive, Minority group, Orphan)
  • Victim state (Alive, Deceased)
  • Victim type (Direct beneficiary, Indirect beneficiary)
  • Displacement status (Not Displaced, IDP, Refugee, Returnee)
  • Current rehabilitation pillar (Emergency, Immediate, Transition, Stabilisation, Protection)
New 6.0.png The Victim item is the item which has had the most updates in version 6.0 which include 2 new subobjects and 124 fields.

In version 6.0 fields that facilitate for countries to report to RAPID have been added to Accident and Victim.

Cause, Needs assessment and Assistance relationships

The relationship between Cause and Needs assessment is not given i.e. just because a victim has a Cause (to be a victim), it does not mean that he/she has a Need, because Needs are related to the victims’s social conditions and work situation. A victim may have a Need even if he/she does not have a Cause recorded.

The relationship between Need and Assistance is not given i.e. just because Assistance is given in order to meet a Need it does not mean that the Need is fulfilled. A victim may receive assistance even if he/she does not have a recorded Cause and/or Need.

Cause subobject

Subobject cause.png
New 6.0.png The Cause subobject enables to widen the victim definition

Causes may be classified in the following categories:

  • Medical (from injuries to epidemic)
  • Mental and emotional (illness, dysfunction and/or stress)
  • IDP/Refugee/Returnee (displacement/movement of people)
  • Natural disasters (need of assistance caused by the effects of natural hazards)
  • Protection (violence generates the need of assistance)

There are two ways of classifying injuries and amputations:

  • using the "old" field Injury
  • the new Cause subobject.

This page shows how the Injury field correspond to the new Cause classification.

Needs assessment subobject

Subobject needs.png

Needs may be classified in the following categories:

  • Emergency (health care and humanitarian aid)
  • Stabilisation (health services, education, economic reintegration and physical accessibility)
  • Transition (social inclusion, advocacy, data collection and physical accessibility)
  • Protection (risk analysis)
  • Legal support (law/policy)
  • Institutional reinforcement (institution staff support, education/awareness and access to services)

New fields in version 6.0

Since 124 new fields has been added in version 6.0 the list would be too long to present and therefore number of fields per Data Inventory Manager category is listed.

New fields in versions 6.0
Category Number of fields
Personal information 16
Event information 5
Medical information 6
Household information 5
Household Situation 24
Education / Professional information 12
Economic information 10
Social inclusion information 8
Needs assessment information 12
Advocacy information 2
Interview information 9
Demining victim information 11
Uncategorised 1

Here is the parts of the Summary window explained.