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Use iReport

1 byte added, 20:27, 6 March 2014
Version 6.0
Variables in iReport are created within the iReport template to manipulate or calculate data. Using variables, users can create calculations such as sums, counts, averages, or other totals. Variables are denoted in iReport using the following syntax '''''$V{variablename}''''' (e.g. '''''$V{SumAreaSize}'''''). Variables can use field and/or parameter data.
Parameters in iReport are used to accept and transfer external information, such as information from another report. Parameters are denoted in iReport using the following syntax '''''$P{paramternameparametername}''''' (e.g. '''''$P{ParentGuid}''''')
Bands are used in iReport to specify areas on the resulting report. Each band acts differently in a report. The most used bands in iReport are:

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