
Building Searches

1,488 bytes added, 17:58, 19 February 2013
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The mine action information collected and stored in IMSMA<sup>NG</sup> is useless without the ability to find it and use it to make operational decisions. That’s why IMSMA<sup>NG</sup> includes a robust data search mechanism that provides an easy-to-use, multilevel interface for building and running searches. As with other parts of IMSMA<sup>NG</sup>, the search functionality is divided into a customisation mode, where information managers can prepare simple or complex searches, and an execution mode where data entry personnel can run prebuilt searches. This simplifies the user experience and ensures consistency of use by sharing identical searches with all users. The IMSMA<sup>NG</sup> search function has three primary purposes:
*to navigate to data*to display data on the map*to prepare data for reports and analysis
Information managers can customise IMSMA<sup>NG</sup> searches for each of these purposes to meet the specific needs of the programme. Particularly, customizing the search functionality to facilitate access to programme data and reporting is a key component of implementing and managing a programme’s information workflow.
| align="left" | Mine Action Area Type
| align="left" | Accident Search for items by date| align="left" | Find all hazard reductions between January 1 and February 1| align="left" |The date range|-| align="left" rowspan="4" | Date Reporting and data quality analysis Reporting searches are typically more complicated than navigation searches since they are intended to return a set of records to populate a report directly without any additional user interaction. These searches can also be saved and run independently of Accidentreports and used for browsing data. Data quality analysis searches help identify possible data problems and ensure that programme-specific workflow steps are being followed. These searches can be used to help protect data integrity.| align="left" | Report on clearance efforts | align="left" | Find all hazard reductions where the type = “Progress Report” and the status = “Completed” and the dates are between January 1 and February 1| align="left" | The date range|-| align="left" | Report on hazards cleared by an organisation| align="left" | Find all hazards that are linked to hazard reductions whose type = “Clearance” and the organisation = “XYZ Org”Accident | align="left" | Mine Action Area Type|-| align="left" | QM Search for all hazards with AP mines| align="left" colspan="2" | Find all active hazards with antipersonnel mines or that have clearances linked to them that have found antipersonnel mines|-|align="left" | Data quality checks| align="left" colspan="2" | Start DateFind all hazards whose status is “Worked On” with no active hazard reductions End DateFind all clearances that are not linked to a hazardOrganisationResultsFind all victims with no link to accident