
Understanding IMSMA Information Model

75 bytes added, 21:54, 11 March 2015
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<b>Assigning</b> refers to the assignment of an item to a location for the purposes of grouping information. All items must be assigned a location.
<b>Linking</b> refers to the association between items for the purposes of analysis. Linking is optional, for example, when linking clearances Activities to minefieldsAccidents but linking is very important to do so effective reporting will be possible.
{{IMSMANG}} provides the capability to assign items to locations and create links between items, a function that shows the relationships between items and processes and that enriches the data collected. Assignments and links are defined during the Data Entry Form approval process. An item is assigned to one location, which ties the item to the country structure and allows for reporting data by area. The same item can then be linked to as many other items as necessary. In this way, {{IMSMANG}} supports the idea of linking activities to land, victims to accidents or any item to any other item. When used with item categories, linking adds a powerful capacity to implement an information workflow and create rich and useful data for decision makers. To ensure the integrity of this data, system administrators must clearly specify the kinds of links to track in {{IMSMANG}}.