
Revision as of 21:55, 9 May 2013 by Joe (talk | contribs)
To reconcile data entry forms, you must have access to the Data Entry Form and Link permissions.

Before a data entry form can be approved, you must decide whether the item records in the data entry form create new item records, update existing item records, or are associated with existing item records of different item types. This process is called reconciliation.

New item records will create a new accident, land, activity, location, education, QM, or victim in IMSMA. New item records will need to be assigned to a location.

data entry form item records can also update existing item records. Updates to existing item records can either replace an existing item record or combine certain item record attributes. When an existing item record is replaced, the summary of the existing item record is replaced with the data from the new item record. When an item record in a data entry form is combined with an existing item record, certain item record attributes are overwritten with the data from the new item record while other item record attributes are combined. Refer to the Combining item records section for more details on which item attributes are combined for each item.

data entry form item records can also be associated with existing item records that are of a different type. For example, a victim that is created by a new data entry form can be associated with an existing accident. To establish a relationship between item records of different item types, you create a link between the item records.

Item records can be reconciled from the Reconciliation tab on the Data Entry Form Editor window. The Reconciliation tab displays all item records from the data entry form that need to be reconciled.

Reconciling item records from the Data Entry Form Editor window allows you to select existing item records from a list. This chapter provides instructions for reconciling item records from the Data Entry Form Editor.

Reconciliation Icons
Icon Description
File:AssignLocIcon.png Creates a new item record.
ReconItemRecIcon.png Allows you to reconcile item records with existing item records that you select from a list.
File:LinkItemRecIcon.png Allows you to create a link between two item records of different item types.
File:RemoveReconIcon.png Removes the reconciliation or link between the item records.
ShadesIcon.png Allows you to reconcile item records with existing item records that you select from the map. This icon is only available from the Data Entry Form Editor window.
File:ReturnReconIcon.png Returns any reconciliation done from the IMSMA Navigation window to the Data Entry Form Editor window. This icon is only available from the IMSMA Navigation window.