Manage Report Templates in IMSMA

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iReport templates provide the foundation on which IMSMA reports are based. A report template defines:

  • the data source (e.g. Land, Activity, Accident)
  • the attributes that should be displayed on the report (e.g. Land ID, Land Name and Areasize for a land report)
  • the overall appearance of the report (title, formatting, etc.)

A tutorial on using iReport and building templates can be found in Use i-Report.

The IMSMA Report Template Manager

The IMSMA Report Template Manager allows adding, changing and deleting report templates. To access the Report Template Manager, choose Customisation > Report Template Manager.

This opens the Report Template Manager.

Add a new iReport Template into IMSMA

To add a new iReport template:

  1. Click the FieldTemplateIcon.png button. The Add Report Template window displays.
  2. Add Report Template Window

  3. Enter a name for the IMSMA report template in the Name field.
  4. Enter a description for the IMSMA report template in the Description field.
  5. Select the iReport template that you would like to associate with IMSMA report template by doing the following:
  6. Click the Browse button.
  7. Navigate to the directory where the iReport .jrxml files are saved.
  8. Select the .jrxml file associated with the iReport template. You do not need to include any .jasper file. IMSMANG will not be able to read a .jasper file.
  9. Click the Open button.
  10. The name of the .jrxml file displays in the File field.
  11. Click the Save button.

Preview, Change and Remove iReport Templates

iReport templates can be previewed, changed and removed using the following buttons in the Report Template Manager window.

Preview, Change and Remove Buttons in the Report Template Manager
Button Description
Preview Allows you to preview a report template. This will preview the layout, but no data will be included.
Edit Allows you to update the existing report template, for example for assigning it a new name, or changing the .jrxml template file. If you change the .jrxml template file, it has to be changed to a template that uses the same type, that is, you cannot go from a "Location" report to a "Land" report.
Delete Allows you to delete a report template. You can only delete a report template if there is no report in IMSMA building on that template, because then the report would get unusable. Therefore, if you really would like to delete a template, you have to first delete all the associated reports.