Activity Ordnance

Revision as of 22:46, 14 March 2016 by Alnaucler (talk | contribs)
Note.jpg The Activity child table for Ordnance is called hazreducdeviceinfo and the entity type is called HAZARD_REDUCTION_DEVICE.

The Ordnance classification table is called ordnance and the entity is called Ordnance.


DIM Label Data type Database column name Enumcategory Pojo name
Comments String comments Comments
Inactive - easting Easting
- Parent hazreduc_guid Hazreduc
- String hazreducdeviceinfo_guid Guid
Action on item Single-select markedordestroyed_guid MarkedOrDestroyed MarkedDestroyed
Inactive - northing Northing
Ordnance Classification Classification ordnance_guid Ordnance
Quantity Integer qty Qty
Resource String resource Resource