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Check coordinates distance and bearing 6.0

236 bytes added, 15:45, 9 October 2016
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These queries are for databases that has been '''upgraded''' to 6.0 and during upgrade process distance and bearing was '''not''' fixed. This '''[[Check coordinates distance and bearing | page]]'' contains checks to be run '''before and after'' upgrade to 6.0.
==Case 1 Coordinates migrated from Legacy with Distance and bearing as extra information==
=== Case 1A===
[[Image:DistBear Case1A wrong.png|800px|center]]
<div align="center">
'' How to see if Case 1A exists ''
Run this query (''DistBear Missing FromPoint Point1'') to check if you have any points that falls under Case 1A. This query is '''NOT''' tested with MGRS.

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