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Imsmaenum Duplicate fix Part 2

211 bytes added, 14:21, 30 April 2016
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This query lists the duplicate enumvalues created after the upgrade scripts(ICR-297). Note that the functions ''lower'' will be used so duplicates like Evidence Point and Evidence point will be found, ''trim'' will find " Active" and "Active" and ''replace'' will find Cluster Accident and ClusterAccident.
SELECT imsmaenum.enumcategory, replace(lower(trim(imsmaenum.enumvalue)), ' ', ''), COUNT (imsmaenum.imsmaenum_guid)FROM imsmaenumGROUP BY imsmaenum.enumcategory, replace(lower(trim(imsmaenum.enumvalue)), ' ', '')HAVING COUNT (imsmaenum.imsmaenum_guid) > 1ORDER BY imsmaenum.enumcategory ASC 1, imsmaenum.enumvalue ASC2

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