{{Note | The [[Installation ODBC driver | PostgreSQL ODBC driver]] must be installed and an [[Create ODBC source | ODBC source]] created.}}
[[Image:Excel data source1.png|700px500px|center]]
<div align="center">
'' Data tab''
<ol start="1">
<li>On the '''Data''' tab, click on '''From Other Sources''' and choose '''From Data Connection Wizard'''.
[[Image:Excel data source2.png|500px|center]]<div align="center">'' Wizard pane 1''</div><li>Choose '''ODBC DSN''' and click Next.[[Image:Excel data source3.png|500px|center]]<div align="center">'' Wizard pane 2''</div><li>Select your ODBC source and click Next.[[Image:Excel data source4.png|500px|center]]<div align="center">'' Wizard pane 3''</div><li>flsjslFirst are the views listed and the tables. Scroll until you find the table/view you would like to load into Excel. Select it and click Next.