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Upgrade from 5.08.04 to 6.0 process

95 bytes added, 12:27, 25 November 2014
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# Translations - you will '''overwrite''' the 6.0 translations with 5.08.04 translations.}}
# <ol start="1"><li> Did the previous database that you worked with on the V6.0 computer had any attachments? If yes, delete them before restoring this database; # <li> Restore the raw PostgreSQL dump on a computer with IMSMA V6.0;# <li> Scan the restore log (C:\IMSMAng\trayLauncher\trayLauncher.log) for error messages; #: As a general rule of thumb, between the row ''NOTICE: index "workitem_has_cdfvalue_workitemhascdfvalue_cdfvalue_key" does not exist, skipping'' and the row ''SqlDump restore Completed'' it is '''NOT''' normal to get any error messages.: The two error messages below are the so far '''encountered''' types of error messages but since table structure, relation rules between tables and contents of all {{IMSMANG}} databases are different there might be other error messages that you need to react on. As a general rule of thumb, between ''NOTICE: index "workitem_has_cdfvalue_workitemhascdfvalue_cdfvalue_key" does not exist, skipping'' and ''SqlDump restore Completed'' it is '''not''' normal to get any error messages;#:* error message ''COPY fieldreportdesc'' means that it was not possible to load the table so the table is '''empty''';#::* error message ''ERROR: insert or update on table "fieldreport" violates foreign key constraint "fieldreport_fieldreportdesc_guid_fkey'' means that '''mandatory''' reference (FKs) between tables did not get created because of missing values in e.g. imsmaenum table. {{IMSMANG}} depends on that FKs are created.;# <li> The upgrade scripts will '''wrongly''' change enumvalues to Inactive and therefore the current values must be documented [[Imsmaenum Duplicate fix | query]] # <li> The upgrade script will change ''Location point'' to ''Reference point'', run this [[Location point | query]] '''before''' and '''after''' the upgrade.# <li> How many rows are there in the attachment table? If more than 0, then you have to verify that the attachments are included in the backup folder or instruct the country on how to handle them.
===Upgrade the database===__NOEDITSECTION__

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