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Using the Impact Scoring Tool in IMSMANG

1 byte removed, 23:18, 10 October 2014
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The combination of factors and their weights define a scenario in the impact scoring template. You can define an unlimited number of scenarios with different factors and weights to test and compare the resulting impact scores.
The impact scoring tool allows you to limit the impact scoring to specific country structure areas Country Structure nodes and time periods. You can customise the scoring ranges which are used to group the Locations in classifications that denote levels of impact.
The impact score of a Location is the sum of the factor scores. The factor score is calculated by multiplying the weight of the factor with the point value of the factor. The point value of a factor can be determined in one of two ways. If the factor contains a count, the count is used as the point value. For other factors, a point value of 1 is assigned if the factor tests positive. It is important to note that a point value is only assigned once regardless of how many times the factor tests true for the Location. This process is repeated for all factors in the scenario.
** Weights for each combination of factors and scenarios
** Scoring ranges
** Country structure area scopecriterion
** Date ranges to include
* Generate the impact scores

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