Reconciling and Approving Data in IMSMANG

Revision as of 19:05, 10 April 2013 by Joe (talk | contribs) (Newly Reported Items)
The Reconciliation and Approval process is a series of steps to ensure the approval of high-level quality data inside IMSMANG. To help achieve this aim, operations staff classifies and organises the submitted data according to locally defined standard operating procedures (SOPs).

The first step of the Reconciliation process of a newly reported item is to assign it to its corresponding location folder. Newly reported items are often linked to any existing item in the IMSMANG dataset. Updates replace or are combined with an existing item of the same category. Updates display on the current view window of the corresponding item and each reported update can be traced back.

Data approval is the final step of the reconciliation process. Approved data displays in the items pane.

SopIcon.png This sign next to a step is a reminder that you have to refer to your local SOPs to see how this action applies precisely to the reported items taken to the reconciliation process.
Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA. Your field report data entry form might be found in the Workbench.
  1. Click File:RaA01.png.
  2. Select the field report data entry form.
  3. Click File:RaA02.png.

The reconciliation process is performed on the reconciliation tab of the completed field report data entry form. 500px


Newly Reported Items

  1. Assigning a location
    1. Select the reported item.
    2. Click ReconItemRecIcon.png.
    3. 500px

    4. Select Reconcile as New, then click OK.
    5. File:ReconcileAsNew.png

    6. Click File:RaA07.png.
    7. Select the relevant location from your list. SopIcon.png
    8. Click Assign.
    9. 500px

    10. Click OK.
    11. 500px

  2. Linking the reported item to an existing item SopIcon.png
    1. Select the reported item.
    2. Click ReconItemRecIcon.png.
    3. 500px

    4. Select the Link to Existing Item option.
    5. Click OK.
    6. 500px

    7. Choose an option from the Type of Object to Link to drop-down list. SopIcon.png
    8. Click OK.
    9. 500px

    10. Select an item from the list.
    11. Click Assign.
    12. 500px

    13. Click OK.
    14. 500px

    15. Click Approve.
    16. 500px

    Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA. To change the link or the location assignment, select the linked item or assigned location and click File:RaA17.png.

    Reconciling New Locations


    1. Select the reported location.
    2. Click File:RaA05.png.
    3. 500px

    4. Click Approve.

    Updating Items



    1. Select the reported item.
    2. Click File:RaA10.png.
    3. 500px

    4. Select the Reconcile as Existing Item option.
    5. Click OK.
    6. 500px

    7. Select an item from the list. SopIcon.png
    8. Click Assign.
    9. 500px

    10. Select the Replace Existing Item with Field Report Item option.
    11. Click OK.
    12. 500px

    13. Click Approve.
    14. 500px

    Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA. Blank fields of the latest field report are ignored.
    Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA. Browse the current view window to see the updated data.



    1. Select the reported item.
    2. Click File:RaA21.png.
    3. 500px

    4. Select the Reconcile as existing item option.
    5. Click OK.
    6. 500px

    7. Select an item from the list. SopIcon.png
    8. Click Assign.
    9. 500px

    10. Select the Combine Existing Item with Field Report Item option.
    11. Click OK.
    12. 500px

    13. Click Approve.
    14. 500px

    Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA. Combining aggregates information only for:
    • Geographic coordinates
    • Area size
    • Devices found
    • Hours spent
    Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA. Browse the current view window to see the updated data.

    Approving from the Workbench

    1. Select the field report.
    2. Click Approve.
    3. 500px