
Viewing and Browsing in IMSMANG

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{{Reference guide header|The IMSMA Navigation window immediately displays at the launch of the system.
The ''[[IMSMA Navigation Window]]'' has three panes: the ''[[Country Structure Pane]]'', the ''[[Map Pane]]'' and the ''[[Items Pane]]''. The three panes work together. Users can browse through elements of any pane to view additional data appropriate to the kind of data the other panes hold.
The items pane displays most recently approved information. Each item has its own current view window that can be opened to browse for linked information and historic details. Throughout IMSMANG, functions and features display in smaller windows over the IMSMA Navigation window.
===Interacting with Panes===
{{TOC right}}
|[[HowTo:Use the GUI Concepts|Use the GUI ConceptsIMSMA Navigation Window]]|[[HowTo:View the Menu Bar Options|View the Menu Bar OptionsCountry Structure Pane]]|[[HowTo:Display Item Records in the Items Pane|Display Item Records in the Items Map Pane]]|[[HowTo:Display Records for a Country Structure Area|Display Records for a Country Structure AreaItems Pane]]|[[HowTo:Expand and/or Collapse a Country Structure Area Node|Expand and/or Collapse a Country Structure Area Node]]|[[HowTo:Display the Icons of Item Records on Explore the MapToolbars|Display the Icons of Item Records on Explore the Map]]|[[HowTo:Enable a Map Theme|Enable a Map ThemeToolbars]]|[[HowTo:Display Geospatial Data for an Item Record on the MapSummary Window|Display Geospatial Data for an Item Record on Access the MapSummary Windows]]|[[HowTo:Display Data for a Selected Item Record|Display Auxiliary Data for a Selected Item Record]]|[[HowTo:Identify Selected Item Records and Icons|Identify Selected Item Records and Icons]]
:*Selecting the country structure area of your choice:[[Image:vaB01.png|500px]] :*Displaying items on the map :[[Image:vaB02.png|500px]] {| style="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;"|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"|The [[Image:bulb2.png|25px|Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA Mobile.Navigation Window]]|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"| Items with a grey background in immediately displays at the items pane do not have geographic coordinates and they cannot be displayed on launch of the mapsystem. |-|align="center" colspan="2"|[[Image:vaB03.png|500px]]|} :*Identifying an item from the map
The IMSMA Navigation Window has three panes:the [[Image:vaB04.png|500pxCountry Structure Pane]], the [[Map Pane]] and the [[Items Pane]].
===Viewing Additional Data on the Map==={{HowTo's|[[HowTo:Enable an IMSMA Theme|Enable an IMSMA Theme]]|[[HowTo:Change IMSMA Theme Display Properties|Change IMSMA Theme Display Properties]]|[[HowTo:Change the Display Order of IMSMA Themes|Change the Display Order of IMSMA Themes]]|[[HowTo:Display the Item Icon on the Map|Display the Item Icon on the Map from the Current View]]|[[HowTo:View the GIS Map Controls Menu Bar Options|View the GIS Map Controls Menu Bar Options]]|[[HowTo:View the Previous and Next Map in the Series|View the Previous and Next Map in the Series]]|[[HowTo:Select Icons on the Map|Select Icons on the Map]]|[[HowTo:Display the Area and Length of a Polygon|Display the Area and Length of a Polygon]]|[[HowTo:Identify Objects on the Map|Identify Objects on the Map]]|[[HowTo:Measure Distance on the Map|Measure Distance on the Map]]|[[HowTo:Reposition the Map Image|Reposition the Map Image]]|[[HowTo:Lasso an Area on the Map|Lasso an area on the Map]]|[[HowTo:Zoom in on and Recentre the Map|Zoom in on and Recentre the Map]]|[[HowTo:Drop a Visual Pin on the Map|Drop a Visual Pin on the Map]]|[[HowTo:Change the Map Scale|Change the Map Scale]]|[[HowTo:Display the Map at a Larger Scale|Display the Map at a Larger Scale]]|[[HowTo:Display the Map at a Smaller Scale|Display the Map at a Smaller Scale]]|[[HowTo:Recentre the Map to Coordinates|Recentre the Map to Coordinates]]|[[HowTo:Display the Original Map View|Display the Original Map View]]|[[HowTo:Change the Map Projection|Change the Map Projection]]|[[HowTo:Display the Full Extent|Display the Full Extent]]|[[HowTo:Change the Coordinate Reference System Display| Change the Coordinate Reference System Display]]|[[HowTo:Refresh the Map|Refresh the Map]]|[[HowTo:Control the Page Layout|Control the Page Layout]]|[[HowTo:View the Menu Toolbar|View the Menu Toolbar]]|[[HowTo:Control the Coordinate Display|Control the Coordinate Display]] }}:*Using the map tools :[[Image:vaB05NavWindow.png|500px]] :[[Image:vaB06.png|500px]] {| style="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;"|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"|[[Image:bulb2.png|25px|Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA Mobile.]]|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"| Using the map tools activates the map status bar in the bottom of the IMSMA Navigation window.|} :*Displaying items by subcategories:[[Image:vaB07.png|500px]] :*Displaying auxiliary data :[[Image:vaB08.png|500px]] :*Displaying labels  :[[Image:vaB09.png|500px]] ===Browsing the Items Pane=======Rearranging Displayed Items==== :[[Image:vaB10.png|500px]] {{HowTo's|[[HowTo:Select Display Columns|Select Display Columns]]}} ====Displaying New Column Headings==== :[[Image:vaB11.png|500px]] ====Viewing a Specific Item ''[[Current View IMSMA Navigation Window]]Panes''===={{HowTo's |[[HowTo:Access the Current View Windows|Access the Current View Windows]]|[[HowTo:View a Field Report from the Current View Window|View a Field Report from the Current View]]|[[HowTo:Print an Item from the Current View Window|Print an Item from the Current View]]|[[HowTo:Display the Item Icon on the Map|Display the Item Icon on the Map from the Current View ]]|[[HowTo:Display the Item Associated Location View|Display the Item Associated Location View]]|[[HowTo:Display Data for a Selected Item Record|Display Data for a Selected Item Record from a Location View]]}} :[[Image:vaB12.png|500px]] {| style="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;"|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"|[[Image:bulb2.png|25px|Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA Mobile.]]|<div align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"| Current view windows can be customised and may present different tabs and summary headings. Contact your local administrator if you cannot find the links table.|} ====Viewing Linked Items of the Selected Item==== :[[Image:vaB13.png|500px]] {| style="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;">|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"|[[Image:bulb2.png|25px|Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA Mobile.]]|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"| Links reflect the reconciliation steps performed before the approval of the selected item. For more details on reconciling and approving data, see ''[[Reconciling and Approving Data in IMSMANG]]''.|} ====Viewing Historic Details==== :[[Image:vaB14.png|500px]] ====Browsing Locations===={{HowToIMSMA Navigation Window Panes's |[[HowTo:Display Data for a Selected Item Record from a Location View|Display Data for a Selected Item Record from a Location View]]|[[HowTo:Change the Status of a Selected Item Record|Change the Status of a Selected Item Record]]}} :[[Image:vaB15.png|500px]] ====Browsing Tasks==== :[[Image:vaB16.png|500px]] {| style="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;"|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"|[[Image:bulb2.png|25px|Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA Mobile.]]|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"| Tasks do not display in current view windows.|} ===Viewing Auxiliary Data Lists==={{HowTo's |[[HowTo:Access the Explosive Ordnance List Window|Access the Explosive Ordnance List Window]]|[[HowTo:Filter the Explosive Ordnance List|Filter the Explosive Ordnance List]]|[[HowTo:Access the Organisation List Window|Access the Organisation List Window]]|[[HowTo:Filter the Organisation List|Filter the Organisation List]]|[[HowTo:Access the Place List Window|Access the Place List Window]]|[[HowTo:Filter the Place List|Filter the Place List]]}}</div>
:*Choose '''Data entry''' > select an auxiliary The three panes work together. The contents of the Item and the Map pane is controlled by the Country Structure pane. Users can browse the data typeby clicking in the Item pane or the Map pane.
:[[Image:vaB17VaB01.png|500pxcenter|600px|''IMSMA Panes work together'']]<div align="center">''IMSMA Panes work together''</div>
{{IMSMANG}} contains three types of data:* Items ([[Image:vaB18Location Summary Window | Location]], [[Land Summary Window | Land]], [[Activity Summary Window | Activity]], [[Accident Summary Window| Accident]], [[Victim Summary Window | Victim]], [[Assistance Summary Window | Assistance]], [[Education Summary Window | Education ]] and [[QM Summary Window| QM]]).png* [[Task Tab | Task]]* [[Auxiliary Data |500pxAuxiliary data]](different classifications, Organisation and Place).The Items pane displays Task and approved items. The Auxiliary data is found in the ''Data Entry'' menu.
:Each item has its own [[Image:vaB19Summary Window]] (which may be customised) that can be opened to browse for details and linked items.pngFor more information on reconciliation, approving and linking, see [[Reconciling and Approving Data in IMSMANG |500pxReconciling and Approving Data in {{IMSMANG}}]].
{| style="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;"|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"|[[Image:bulb2VaB13.png|25pxcenter|600px|Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA Mobile.''Summary Window'']]|<div align="leftcenter" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"| Lists of auxiliary data provide direct access for adding new data or editing existing data.>''Summary Window''|}</div>
{{NavBox Using Working with IMSMA}}[[Category:NAA]]