
Check coordinates distance and bearing 6.0

1,039 bytes added, 15:34, 8 November 2016
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==Case 1 : Coordinates migrated from Legacy with Distance and Bearing as extra information==
This worked well with 5.x but does not work well with 6.0 especially for xml export/import. Extra information refers to the fact that the points are defined as absolute points but also have distance and bearing information. but they do '''not''' have FromPointGUIDfrompoint_guid.
[[Image:DistBear Case1.png|400px|center]]
<div align="center">
'' Is the first point of the polygon recorded as a relative point (Distance/Bearing) to a single point OR with as a absolute point (X,Y)? ''
This case can be separated in two sub cases:
# point 1 of the polygon is referring to a single point i.e. not to any point that is part of the polygon (case 1A)
"public".geopoint.pointno ASC
{{Note | These records needs to get ''frompoint_guid'' updated with ''geopoint_guid'' from a single point and ''userinputformat'' should be updated. NAA has UPDATE queries.}}
=== Case 1B===
{{Note | These rows need to get ''FromPointGUIDfrompoint_guid'' populated with ''geopoint_guid'' of point number -1 '''and''' ''userinputformat'' updated. Double check also that ''coordformat'' is correct. NAA has UPDATE queries.}}
==Case 2 : Coordinates entered with 5.x and upgraded to 6.0==
{{Note | These rows need to be investigated and updated manually. }}
==Case 5 : Calculated MGRS contains spaces OR includes lower case==
[[Image:Bug MGRS.png|750px|center]]
<div align="center">
"public".geopoint.user_entered_mgrs LIKE '% %'
user_entered_mgrs <> UPPER(user_entered_mgrs)