
Enable a Theme for Legend to the Map Page Layout

552 bytes removed, 09:41, 25 February 2014
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<p>Themes control the icons that are displayed on the map. The themes available in the Legend Editor window are identical to the themes in the Theme Manager Map Display window and are organised in a tree format. If the checkbox to the left of the theme name is checked ([[Image:CheckedBoxIcon.png]]), the theme displays on the map. If the checkbox to the left of the theme name is unchecked ([[Image:UncheckedBoxIcon.png]]), the theme will not display on the map.</p><p>To enable a theme, check the checkbox beside the theme name in the theme manager Map Display pane of the Legend Editor window.</p>
{| style="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;"|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"|[[Image:bulb2.png|25px|Represents a tip or {note for using IMSMA Mobile.]]|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"| The theme will not be added to the legend until after you click the [[Image:AddThemeLeg.png | Refresh Legend]] button. By default, all enabled themes are included in the legend. |}}
How to change {{NavBox HowTo Work with the text display of a legend entryMap}}To change the text display of a legend entry:<ol><li>Select the legend entry from the Legend Themes pane.</li><li>Click the [[ImageCategory:LegThemePn.png | Edit Selected Legend ItemCRI]] button.</li>:The Font Selection window displays.<li>Change the text properties as needed.</li><li>Click the '''OK''' button.</li></ol>