
Upgrade from 5.08.04 to 6.0 process

27 bytes added, 00:05, 6 December 2016
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::* error message ''ERROR: insert or update on table "fieldreport" violates foreign key constraint "fieldreport_fieldreportdesc_guid_fkey'' means that '''mandatory''' reference (FKs) between tables did not get created because of missing values in e.g. imsmaenum table. {{IMSMANG}} depends on that FKs are created.;
====Check to be done BEFORE next step (mandatory)====__NOEDITSECTION__
There are a few checks and possibly manual export to be done '''BEFORE''' next step.
So '''check''' the log ''C:\IMSMAng\trayLauncher\trayLauncher.log'' even if the upgrade scripts have not thrown an error.
====Check to be done BEFORE next step (mandatory)====__NOEDITSECTION__# <ol><li> Check if the upgrade scripts created duplicate enumvalues and if necessary fix them ('''mandatory''')('''[[Imsmaenum Duplicate fix Part 2| query]]''' )(depends on the enumvalues the country had before the upgrade);#: Duplicate enumvalues cause import issues i.e. empty fields, which are difficult to detect due to there are no error messages;# <li> Check if the upgrade scripts '''wrongly''' changed enumvalues to Inactive ('''mandatory''')('''[[Inactive enumvalue fix | query ]]''')(still happening with 18 Feb 2015);# <li> Check if the upgrade scripts created duplicate translation and if necessary fix them ('''mandatory''')('''[[Translation Duplicate fix| query]]''')(depends on the translations the country had before the upgrade and their enumvalues, ICR-297 & ICR-299);# <li> If needed '''add''' Detection/Samle/Sector/Vegetation removal records to the correct tables e.g. hazreducinfoversion_has_imsmaenum;# <li> The upgrade script should have changed all points that used Location point to Reference point but it does not. If there are any Location points you need to inform the country that the type has changed to Reference points. These [[Location point| queries]] will do the update.
{{Note | A database that is already upgrade to V6.0 with one of the early Betas might need manual manipulation e.g. Beta 2 to Beta 3. }}
{{Warning | The upgrade script does not update user_entered_x and user_entered_y when distance and bearing have been used. This creates problems for the countries so you MUST fix this.}}
# <li> Run query [[Check coordinates distance and bearing]].# <li> If there area any Distance and bearing then run the upddating query.</ol> 
===Rebuild sandbox (mandatory)===__NOEDITSECTION__
If you have completed the previous steps, and no errors remain, you may proceed with rebuilding the sandbox. Both the IMSMA database and GIS database have been modified to support e.g. the Assistance object. As a result, the GIS database (sandbox) must be completely rebuilt in IMSMA V6.0 format.