
Check coordinates distance and bearing 6.0

502 bytes added, 17:26, 9 October 2016
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These queries are for databases that has been '''upgraded''' to 6.0 and during upgrade process distance and bearing was '''not''' fixed. This '''[[Check coordinates distance and bearing | page]]'' contains checks to be run '''before and after'' upgrade to 6.0.
==How it should look like==
Depending on which coordinate system that is used different combination of values are used in
* coordformat
* userinputformat
Depending on if absolute or relative coordinates are used
* user_entered_x
* user_entered_y
* user_entered_mgrs
{{Note | longitude and latitude are the '''storage''' coordinates which are used for e.g. the sandbox / rendering in the Map Pane.}}
[[Image:DistBear Correct.png|800px|center]]
<div align="center">
'' How should look like ''
==Case 1 Coordinates migrated from Legacy with Distance and bearing as extra information==
This worked well with 5.x but especially xml export/import does not work well with 6.0. Extra information refers to that the points are defined as an absolute point plus has distance and bearing information but does '''not''' have FromPointGUID.