
Check coordinates distance and bearing 6.0

87 bytes added, 17:05, 9 October 2016
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{{Note | These rows needs to be investigated and updated manually. }}
==Case 5 ICR-368 to be included in October 2016 buildCalculated MGRS contains spaces ==[[Image:Bug MGRS.png|750px|center]]<div align="center">'' How to see if Case 5 exists ''</div>The data is entered with 6.0 and is Distance/Bearing relative points using MGRS. The calculated MGRS in ''user_entered_mgrs'' has the wrong format spaces and should for consistency reasons and in order to avoid future issues be corrected when the a new build is available(ICR-368). Run this query (''DistBear Check bear dist NULL'') to check if you have any points that falls under Case 5. This query is '''NOT''' tested with MGRS.