
Check coordinates distance and bearing 6.0

1,683 bytes added, 14:35, 9 October 2016
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{{Note | These rows needs to get user_entered_x and user_entered_y or user_entered_mgrs populated. NAA has UPDATE queries.}}
==Case 4 Misc odd issues that needs to be corrected==
These errors may have been caused by
* user mistakes
* user updating DEFs with ''Replace'' action when Point1 of the polygon was referring to a single point
* what-ever.
=== Case 4A One/few points of a polygon are missing frompoint_guid and user_entered===
Run this query (''DistBear Check user_entered1'') to check if you have any points that falls under Case 2. This query is '''NOT''' tested with MGRS.
("public".geopoint.user_entered_x IS NULL AND
"public".geopoint.user_entered_y IS NULL AND
("public".geopoint.distance IS NOT NULL or "public".geopoint.bearing is NOT NULL)
AND ("public".geopoint.frompoint_guid IS NULL or length("public".geopoint.frompoint_guid) = 0))
("public".geopoint.user_entered_mgrs IS NULL AND
"public".geopoint.coordformat = 'MGRS' AND
("public".geopoint.distance IS NOT NULL or "public".geopoint.bearing is NOT NULL)
AND ("public".geopoint.frompoint_guid IS NULL or length("public".geopoint.frompoint_guid) = 0))
{{Note | These rows needs to get user_entered_x and user_entered_y or user_entered_mgrs '''and''' frompoint_guid populated. NAA has UPDATE queries which may be applied to some of the above records but there might be necessary to change to absolute coordinates for a few cases.}}
{{NavBox Hub}}
[[Category:SQL Queries]]