
Technical Support Documents

236 bytes added, 15:58, 29 October 2014
no edit summary
| Conflict ArcObjects ||[[Media:Client losing connection with the server.docx|Client is losing connection with server e.g. when saving DEF]] || 5.08.04
| Descr Delete IRE Service || [[Media:Templates not working in IRE v2Manual delete service.doc| Manual delete IRE service]] || cmtIRE
| Descr Delete MySQL service || [[Media:Switching between databasesManual delete of MySQL service(2).doc| Manual delete MySQL service]] || cmt5.x
| Descr Create MySQL Service ||[[Media:SubthemesManual installation of MySQL service(1).docxdoc | Create MySQL service]] || cmt5.x
| Descr ||[[Media:Manual installation of MySQL service(1)Templates not working in IRE v2.doc]] || cmt
| Descr ||[[Media:Manual delete serviceSwitching between databases.doc]] || cmt
| Descr UserPrefs.props ||[[Media:Manual delete of MySQL service(2)Subthemes.docdocx | Problems with Subthemes when switching between countries]] || cmt all
| Descr ||[[Media:Manual backup.doc]] || cmt
| Descr ||[[Media:IReport Refence to entity.doc]] || cmt
| Descr Blanks in IMSMA_HOME ||[[Media:IMSMA server does not start.doc| IMSMA server does not start]] || cmt all?
| Descr ||[[Media:Geopoint table ver2.doc]] || cmt