Victim Summary Window

Revision as of 22:06, 30 April 2013 by Joe (talk | contribs)

The Victim View window displays the Victim ID, as well as location and country structure information. The window also includes five tabs that display the following data:

  • The Victim tab displays the victim’s personal information, occupation, and activity, whether the victim was killed or injured, and includes a table of other items linked to the victim.
  • The Injury Information tab displays details about the injury, the care type, and the associated medical facility.
  • The Demining Victim tab lists demining equipment and training possessed by the victim, and the organisation he or she belongs to.
  • The Received Educations tab lists any exducation that the victim received.
  • The Geospatial tab displays geographical information, such as the coordinates, size, and borders of the area associated with the education. This information is represented as points and polygons.

Victim View Window