Empty Reconciliation Tab

Revision as of 00:04, 26 October 2016 by Alnaucler (talk | contribs)

This could happen both during Data Entry and when looking at already approved Data Entry Forms.

Case 1 The tab is not highlighted

Recon tab Add from non-Location.png

How it normally looks like

Recon tab template error.png

The Reconciliation tab is empty and the tab is not highlighted

This is an indication that something is wrong with the template. The issues could be caused by:

  • fields that are not in use anymore in the database
  • fields that has changed which widget to use
  • widgets are incomplete (missing part(s)).
Old new Vic widgets.png

Example from Victim - changed widget

Output in the Console:
Uncaught Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception 'argument type mismatch' calling setter: 'setTimeToHospital()' on pojo: class com.fgm.imsma.pojo.Victiminfoversion (note: provided argument type= 'String', expected arg type= 'Date')

Uncaught Exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.Date

Old new Acc widgets.png

Example from Accident - changed widget

Output in the Console:
Uncaught Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException at com.fgm.imsma.client.fieldreport.entry.PojoMap.set(PojoMap.java:417)
at com.fgm.freeform.DraggableComponent.updateTo(DraggableComponent.java:252)

Not used fields.png

Example from Accident and Impact survey - fields not used anymore

Output in the Console log:
Uncaught Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception 'argument type mismatch' calling setter: 'setPriorityActiveValue()' on pojo: class com.fgm.imsma.pojo.ImpactSurveyVersion (note: provided argument type= 'String', expected arg type= 'Float') at com.fgm.imsma.util.PojoReflectionUtilities.invokeSetter(PojoReflectionUtilities.java:419) at com.fgm.imsma.util.PojoReflectionUtilities.setFieldValue(PojoReflectionUtilities.java:382)

Uncaught Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException at com.fgm.imsma.client.fieldreport.entry.PojoMap.set(PojoMap.java:417)
at com.fgm.freeform.DraggableComponent.updateTo(DraggableComponent.java:252)

Case 2 The tab is highlighted and no error message in the log

Recon tab template error2.png

The Reconciliation tab is empty and the tab is highlighted

This case has been encountered when the Data Entry Form does not have an Form ID. Form ID is one of the fields that are required for IMSMANG function and therefore should be set to required in Data Entry Form templates.

Missing Form ID.png

The Form ID is empty

Contact your GICHD IM advisor for assistance on updating Form ID.