Search for Exporting Data Entry Form

Revision as of 19:38, 14 June 2017 by Alnaucler (talk | contribs)
Note.jpg The order in the drop-down list for Data Entry Form is strictly alphabetic.

This example shows how to export Approved Progress reports.

  1. Selecting Data Entry Form in the Search Target drop-down list.
  2. Specify that all criteria should be true (AND)(more details can be found here).
  3. Next action is to add the first criterion row by clicking on the FieldTemplateIcon.png button.
  4. Adv search DEF.png
  5. Select Data Entry Form Status in the drop-down list.
  6. Specify the status to Approved. It is recommended to always specify status even if Approved date is used.
  7. Next action is to add the second criterion row by clicking on the FieldTemplateIcon.png button.
  8. Select Approved Date and specify the date range.
  9. Adv search DEF2.png
  10. Next action is to add the third criterion row by clicking on the FieldTemplateIcon.png button.
  11. This criterion is a Subobject so next action is to click on the SubObject Search button.
  12. Adv search DEF4.png
  13. In the next window select Type of Activity and specify Progress report.
  14. Click on OK when you are done.
  15. Adv search DEF3.png
  16. Back in the main search window, click on Run to start the search.

When you have filtered the Data Entry Forms you would like to export, click on the FieldReportExportIcon.png button and follow the instructions for xml-export on page Export Search Result.
It is also possible to export non-approved Data Entry Forms from the Workbench.