Access and Use the Workbench Window

Revision as of 21:31, 15 June 2017 by Alnaucler (talk | contribs)
Note.jpg All users have access to the Workbench window.

The Workbench window lists Data Entry Forms that were added to IMSMANG but not yet approved. There are two ways you can access the Workbench window from the IMSMA Navigation window:

  1. Click the WorkbenchIcon.png in Navigation window toolbar.
  2. In the Data Entry menu → Data Entry FormsWorkbench.
Workbench Window

Workbench Window

Workbench Window Buttons
Button Description
25.png Represents the number of Data Entry Forms in the Workbench.
Column Picker Allows you to choose how the columns in the table are displayed.
Import Allows you to import a xml Data Entry Form.
Export Allows you to export a xml Data Entry Form (with or without attachments), or perform a text export. If no rows are selected, all forms will be exported.
Add Allows you to add a new Data Entry Form.
Edit Allows you to view or change a Data Entry Form.
Delete Allows you to delete a Data Entry Form.
Preview Allows you to display the geospatial data from Data Entry Forms on the map.
-- Indicates that import issues do not apply to a Data Entry Form. This symbol only appears in the Import Issues column.
StopSign.png Indicates a Data Entry Form has an import issue or incomplete reconciliation. This symbol can appear in the Import Issues and Approvable columns.
CheckMark.png Indicates a Data Entry Form has no import issue or incomplete reconciliation. This symbol only appears in the Approvable column.

Date Entry Form status values and workflow

Each Data Entry Form in the Workbench has a status associated with it. These status values are described in the following table.

Data Entry Form Status Values
Status Value Description
Saved The Data Entry Form has been added, but all of the information for the Data Entry Form cannot yet be entered into IMSMA.
Submitted The Data Entry Form information has been entered and is ready to be reviewed by a manager. In order to approve a Data Entry Form, it must have a location assigned to it and all items in the Data Entry Form must be reconciled.

Note: Approved Data Entry Forms are not displayed in the Workbench window. They will be displayed in the Location View and Item View windows.

Rejected The Data Entry Form has been reviewed and rejected by a manager and needs more information to be approved.
Unapproved The Data Entry Form was previously approved and has been unapproved.
New 6.0.png There are fields that have been renamed in version 6.0.