Print an Item from the Summary Window

Revision as of 16:02, 11 December 2013 by Dionysia (talk | contribs)

The Print button displays a printable view of the item. After clicking the button, you will see the Reports For Printing window.

Reports For Printing Window

Reports For Printing Window

In the Reports For Printing window, select the report under Report Template, then click the Print button at the bottom of the window. Next you will see the Report window.

Report Window

Report Window

Across the top of the Report window is a toolbar that allows you to perform various functions. The following table lists the buttons on this toolbar and their descriptions.

Print View Window Buttons
Button Description
File:Table19Img01.png Allows you to save a copy of the report to your computer in one of the following formats: .csv, .html, .pdf, .rtf, or .xls.
Table19Img02.png Prints the report to a printer that you have configured.
Table19Img03.png This button is not functional.
Table19Img04.png Displays the first page of the report. Note that this button is not available if the first page of the report is currently displayed.
Table19Img05.png Displays the previous page of the report. Note that this button is not available if the first page of the report is currently displayed.
Table19Img06.png Displays the next page of the report. Note that this button is not available if the last page of the report is currently displayed.
Table19Img07.png Displays the last page of the report. Note that this button is not available if the last page of the report is currently displayed.
Table19Img08.png Allows you to enter the page number that you would like to display. After entering the page number, press the [Enter] key on your keyboard.
Table19Img09.png Displays the report in the actual size.
Table19Img10.png Displays the entire page of the report.
Table19Img11.png Displays the width of the report.
Table19Img12.png Displays the report at a larger scale.
Table19Img13.png Displays the report at a smaller scale.
Table19Img14.png Displays the report at the selected ratio.
