Display the Map Layout Shapes Toolbar

Revision as of 17:23, 11 December 2013 by Dionysia (talk | contribs)

Clicking the Toggle Layout to Edit Mode button on the page layout toolbar displays the layout shapes toolbar.

Edit Page Layout Toolbar
Edit Page Layout Toolbar

The edit page layout toolbar allows you to add shapes, text, and images to the page layout of the map. The buttons available on the toolbar are listed below.

Edit Page Layout Toolbar Buttons
Button Description
Select Layout Items Allows you to select objects on the page layout. By selecting certain objects (such as the map legend), you can drag them to a new position.
Delete Layout Items Deletes the selected object.
Line Allows you to draw a straight line in the print area.
FreeHand Line Allows you to draw a line in the print area.
Polygon Allows you to draw a polygon in the print area.
Rectangle Allows you to draw a rectangle in the print area.
Oval Allows you to draw an oval in the print area.
Circle Allows you to draw a circle in the print area.
Curve Allows you to draw a polycurve in the print area.
Insert Image Allows you to add an image to the print area.
Text Allows you to add text to the print area.
Scale Bar Allows you to add a scale indicator to the print area.
North Indicator Allows you to add a north indicator to the print area.
Legend Allows you to add a legend to the print area.