
Portal:Technical Notes/FAQ

2,186 bytes added, 15:45, 5 October 2021
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Not sure which {{IMSMANG}} | style="width:100%"|- | width="320"| [[ArcEngine/Java issue]]| [[Manually create PGSQL service]]| '''Known issue'''- [[Duplicate Enumvalue]]|-| [[Combine several zip files]]| [[Check Version of Manually delete IMSMA|versionRemote Entry service]]| '''Known issue' you have installed?'' - [[Negative Coordinates]]|-| [[Create ODBC source]]| [[Manually delete PGSQL service]]||-| [[Data Dictionary]]| [[Ports|Ports]] used by IMSMA ||-
| Difference between MySQL and [[Difference MySQL PostGreSQL| PostgreSQL]]| Pre-defined [[Saved Searches 6.0 | Saved Searches]]| |-| Delete non-fuctional [[Delete Non-functional Saved Search | Saved Searches]]| [[Renamed fields]]| '''Workaround''' - [[Export from ArcGIS to Excel]] (UTF-16)|-| [[Switch TemplatesEmpty Reconciliation Tab]]|Switch[[Security Guidance]]on the use of IMSMA.| '''Workaround''' templates- [[How to Install ArcEngine 10.1 with Lower or Higher Version of ArcGIS Desktop | How to install ArcEngine with other than ArcGIS 10.1]]|-| [[Environment Variables]] used by {{IMSMANG}}| [[Shutdown IMSMA Server]]| '''Workaround''' - [[Open CSV in Excel]]|-| [[Error opening Data Entry Form Template]] | [[Windows 8Start-up IMSMA Server]]| '''Workaround''' - [[Using non-translated languages]]|-| [[Exporting Part of Tree Structure from IMSMANG | Exporting Part of Tree Structure from {{IMSMANG}} ]]| [[Switch Templates| Switch]] templates||-| [[Language and Translations | Font and language ]]problems| [[Technical Specification Equipment| Technical specifications]] for PCs and tablets | |-| [[Installation ODBC driver | Install ODBC driver]]| [[Templates do not work in IMSMA Remote Entry | Templates do not work]] in IMSMA Remote Entry||-Which | [[Installation package for IMSMA NG is not working | Installation package '''NG''' ]] is not working| [[Environment Variables|environment variablesTwo Terms Not to be Translated]]- Date issues||-| [[Installation package for SAG is not working | Installation package ''' SAG''' ]] is not working| [[Not Possible to Unapprove | Unapprove does not work]]||-| [[IReport does not start | iReport]] does not start| [[How to Unblock IMSMA server | Unblock IMSMA server]] ||-| [[Java automatic update]]| [[Understanding Configuration Options]]||-| [[Java error during installation]]| Which [[Check Version of IMSMA| version]] of {{IMSMANG}} usingis installed?||-| [[Language Issues | Language issues]]| [[Windows 8 and Windows 10]]||-|-| | [[XML Documentation]]||-Which | <br/>|||-| '''[[PortsDownloads]]''' |ports'''[[TeamViewer]]''' are IMSMA using?| |}