
Manage Data Entry Form Attachments

1,967 bytes removed, 19:26, 20 July 2019
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You can attach files to a Data Entry Form so that the file can be shared with other IMSMA users. Data Entry Form attachments are managed via the Attachments window. To display the Attachments window, click the [[Image:MFRABtn01.png | Manage Attachments]] button on the Data Entry Form Editor window.
You can attach files to a Data Entry Form so that The Attachments window contains two sections* A filter section for limiting the file can be shared with other IMSMA users. Data Entry Form list of attachments are managed via displayed * A table for the Attachments window (attachments [[:Image:AttachmentsWindow.png|Attachments Window]]). To display the 500px|center|''Attachments window, click the [[Image:AttachIcon.png | Manage Attachments'']] button on the Data Entry Form Editor window.
[[Image:AttachmentsWindow.png|center|''==Filter the Attachments window'']]<div alignDisplayed=="center">__NOEDITSECTION__''Attachments window''</div>The filter limits the attachments displayed in the table to only those attachments that contain the filter value.
The Attachments window contains two sections[[Image:*A filter section for limiting the list of data displayed – You can filter the data displayed in the table by selecting a filter from the list and entering a filter valueAttachmentsFilter. png|600px|center|''Attachments passing the filter are listed in the table.*A table for the data – By default, the table displays all attachments in IMSMA. The data displayed in the table is sorted in descending order by entry date. To change the sort order of the data, click the column header associated with the attribute on which you would like to sort the data.Filter window'']]
==How to Filter the Attachments Displayed== The filter limits the attachments displayed in the table to only those attachments that contain the filter value. By default, the filter list in the Attachments window is set to ''All''. The ''All'' filter returns all attachments associated with the Data Entry Form to the table. [[Image:AttachmentsFilter.png|center|''Attachments Filter window'']]<div align="center">''Attachments Filter window''</div> To filter the attachments displayed in the table:<ol><li>Select the attribute on which you would like to apply the filter from the Filter list. Filter options for attachments include:</li>* ''AllData Entry Date'' – returns all attachmentswith an entry date that contains the specified value. * ''Entry DateFile Description'' – returns attachments with an entry date a description that contains the specified value.
* ''File Name'' – returns attachments with a file name that contains the specified value.
* ''MIME Type'' – returns attachments with a MIME type that contains the specified value.
* ''Size'' – returns attachments with a file size that contains the specified value.
* ''Description'' – returns attachments with a description that contains the specified value.
* ''guid'' – returns attachments that possess a specific globally unique identifier (GUID).
<li>Enter a value that the selected attachment filter must contain. Note that the filter is not case-sensitive.</li>
<li>Click the '''Apply''' button.</li>:The attachments passing your criteria are listed in the table.</li></ol>
==How to Add an Attachment==<p>To add an attachment to a Data Entry Form:</p>__NOEDITSECTION__<ol><li>From the Data Entry Form Editor window, click the [[Image:AttachIconMFRABtn01.png | Manage Attachments]] button.</li>:The Attachments window displays.</ol>
[[Image:Attachments.png|center|500px400px|''Attachments Window'']]<div align="center">''Attachments Window''</div>
<ol start="2"><li>Click the [[Image:AttachUpIconUpload Attachment.png | Upload an Attachment]] button.</li>:The New Attachment window displays.</ol>
[[Image:NewAttachment.png|center|500px400px|''New Attachment Window'']]<div align="center">''New Attachment Window''</div>
<ol start="3"><li>Click the [[Image:OpenIcon.png | Upload an Attachment]] button.</li>:The Open window displays.</li><li>From the Open window:</li>
<ol type="a">
<li>Navigate to the directory of the file that you would like to attach to the Data Entry Form.</li>
<li>Click the file name.</li>
<li>Click the '''Open''' button.</li>
</olli></ol> The name of the file displays in the '''File Name''' field and the file type displays in the MIME Type field. Note that although the '''MIME Type''' field may not always display the correct file type the file will be attached to the Data Entry Form.</li></ol>
{| style="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;"|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"|[[Image:bulb2.png|25px|Represents a tip or {note for using IMSMA.]]|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"| Attachments should be no greater than 10 MbMB. |}}
<ol start="5">
<li>Enter a description for the file in the '''Description''' field.</li>
<li>Click the '''Upload''' button.</li>:The attachment displays in the Attachments window. </li></ol>
==How to Download an Attachment==To download an attachment:__NOEDITSECTION__
<li>From the Data Entry Form Editor window, click the [[Image:AttachIconMFRABtn01.png | Manage Attachments]] button.</li>:The Attachments window displays. </li>
<li>Click the row associated with the attachment that you would like to download.</li>
<li>Click the [[Image:AttachDownIcon.png | Download Selected Attachment]] button.</li>:The Save window displays. </li>
<li>From the Save window:</li>
<ol type="a">
<li>Navigate to the directory where you would like to save the file.</li>
<li>Click the '''Save''' button.</li>:A copy of the file is saved to the specified directory on your computer. </li>
==How to Remove an Attachment from a Data Entry FormView or Print Attachments==Removing an attachment detaches it from the Data Entry Form. To remove an attachment from a Data Entry Form:__NOEDITSECTION__
<li>Click [[Image:mFRABtn01.png | Manage Attachments]] in the Data Entry Form Editor window.</li><li>Click the row associated with the attachment that you would like to remove.</li><li>Click [[Image:EcksButton.png | Remove Selected Attachment]].</li>:The Verify Deletion window displays.<li>Do one of the following:</li>* To remove the attachment, click the '''Yes''' button.* To cancel the delete operation, click the '''No''' button.</ol> ==How to View or Print Attachments==<ol><li>Click [[Image:mFRABtn01.png | Manage Attachments]] in the Data Entry Form Editor window.</li>:The Attachments: Default ''< Item >'' Form window opens and displays all files attached to the Data Entry Form.</ol>
{| style="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;"|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"|[[Image:bulb2.png|25px|Represents a tip or {note for using IMSMA.]]|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"| Use the filter to find an attachment.|}}</li>
<ol start="2">
<li>Select a file from the attachments list.</li>
<li>Click [[Image:mFRABtn02ViewIcon.png | View Selected Attachment]].</li>:The file displays in the associated application.</ol>
{| style="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;"|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"|[[Image:bulb2.png|25px|Represents a tip or {note for using IMSMA.]]|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"| If the file does not display, check your Windows settings.|For example, in Windows Control Panel, select Programs, then select Default Programs, and then select Associate a file type or protocol with a program. Then you can change the default programs that open file types.}}</li>
<ol start="4">
<li>Print the file from the associated application</li>
==Delete an Attachment==__NOEDITSECTION__
<li>Click [[Image:mFRABtn01.png | Manage Attachments]] in the Data Entry Form Editor window.</li>
<li>Click the row associated with the attachment that you would like to delete.</li>
<li>Click [[Image:EcksButton.png | Delete Selected Attachment]]. The Verify Deletion window displays.</li>
<li>Click the '''Yes''' button.</li>
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