
Display the IMSMA Control Centre Icon

1,054 bytes added, 12:29, 14 June 2019
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The {{TOC right}}Follow these steps to display the IMSMA Tray Launcher Control Centre icon provides you with menu options to:* Backup and Restore IMSMA* Start IReport* Start Client * Access Client Configuration Tool* Start and Stop IMSMA Server* Open Console Window
To <ol><li>You may display the IMSMA Tray Launcher Control Centre icon in the lower, right corner of your Window’s desktop, doubletwo different ways:<ol type="a"><li>Double-click the IMSMA Tray Launcher icon shortcut [[Image:TrayLaunch.png|IMSMA Tray Launcher|50 px]] on your Window’s the computer's desktop. To display the <li>Choose '''Start Menu''' > '''Programs''' > '''IMSMA Tray Launcher '''.</ol><li>The IMSMA Control Centre icon menu, right[[Image:Control_Centre_Icon.png|20px]] will be displayed in the [[Glossary#N|notification area]] of your computer. </li> <li>Right-click the Tray Launcher IconIMSMA Control Centre icon [[Image:Control_Centre_Icon.png|20px]] and the menu displays. </li></ol>
==Menu Options==__NOEDITSECTION__[[Image:TrayLaunchSaS07 no selected.png|centerthumb|''IMSMA Tray Launcher Icon''Control Centre Menu]]<div align="center">In the IMSMA Control Centre menu you will find options to:#[[Start the IMSMA Server|Start the IMSMA Server]]#[[Stop the IMSMA Server|Stop the IMSMA Server]]#[[Log into IMSMA|Start the IMSMA client]]# [[Backup and Restore]]# [[Use iReport | Start iReport]]''# [[IMSMA Tray Launcher Icon''Client Configuration Tool]]<# [[View the Server and/div>or Client Output Messages | Console Window]]# [[Exit Control Centre]]
==How to always show the IMSMA Control Centre icon in the TrayLauncher / notification area==__NOEDITSECTION__<ol>[[Image:Hidden icons.png|350 px]]<li> Click on ''Show hidden icons''.</li>[[Image:Customise notification.png|160 px]]<li> Click on ''Customize''.</li><li> Find the [[Image:Control_Centre_Icon.png|20px]] in the list.</li>[[Image:Show icon_notification.png|500 px]]<li> Select ''Show icon and notifications'' in the drop-down list.</li></ol> {{HowTo NavBox Start and Stop}}[[Category:CRI]]