
Add a Local ID Generator

38 bytes added, 22:27, 17 June 2017
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<table cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0" style="float: right; clear: right; color: black; backgroundLocal ID generators are used when generating a Local ID in a Data Entry Form. The Local ID of a Data Entry Template is built up five parts: #f9f9f9; border: 1px solid ''Prefix'' from the Local ID generator#aaa; width: 22em; margin: 0 0 1divider (usually hyphen) i.0em 1e.0em; padding: 0.2em; border-spacing: 0# ''System Name'' set in IMSMA Client Configuration Tool (optional)# divider (usually hyphen) i.4em 0; text-align: center; line-height: 1e.4em; font-size: 88%; background-color: #f5faff; font-size: 90%; width: auto; line-height: 1.6em; width:150px;;;" class="vertical-navbox nowraplinks">''Next Number'' from the Local ID generator<th style="padding: 0.2em 0.4em 0.2em; fontwhich for an Activity may look like ''CR-size: 145%; lineMAG HQ-height: 1.2em; font'' or for a Victim ''Vic-weight: bold; backgroundMACC3-color: #9aa8b5; font-size: 125%" class="">Related Topics</th><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 04581''.2em; text-align: left">
::[[HowTo:Filter the Local IDs Displayed{|Filter the Local IDs Displayed]]<br />class="wikitable"[[HowTo:Add a Local ID Type|Add a Local ID Type]]<br />-[[HowTo:View | '''Prefix''' || A text string that represents the item category or Change subcategory. For example, a Local ID Typecompletion report could be represented by “CR.”| View or Change a Local ID Type]]<br />-| '''System Name''' || A value specified in the Client Configuration Tool of the {{IMSMANG}} [[HowTo:Save a Field Report TemplateStarting and Stopping IMSMANG | Save a Field Report TemplateTrayLauncher]]<br />where system administrators can set a separate system name for each computer where {{IMSMANG}} is installed. For example, the MAG Head quarter's computer could have “MAG HQ” as a system name while a regional installation could have “ MAG R1.”|-[[HowTo:Preview | '''Next Number''' || A value that increases with 1 each time a Field Report|Preview new ID is generated. Information managers can specify the next number to be generated when the local ID generator button is clicked. For example, a Field new local ID starting with CR-MAG HQ-1 and proceeding to CR-MAG HQ-2 and so on will be generated each time the Completion Report]]<br />local ID generator is clicked.</tr>|}
</table> To add a local ID typegenerator:
<li>From In the '''Customisation''' menu, select &rarr; ''Field Reports''.</li><li>From the Data Entry Form Templates'''Field Reports''' menu, select &rarr; '''Local ID TypeGenerator'''.</li>::The Local ID Type window displays.<li>Click the [[File:Add.png|20px|<span title=""></span>]] button.</li>::The Local ID Type window displays (Figure 166).
<li>Click the [[File:ADD Local ID Type Window FilterFieldTemplateIcon.png|440px20px |''Figure 166Add]] button. ADD </li>The Local ID Type Window Filter'']]Generator window displays.
<li>Enter the name for the new [[File:AddLocalIDGeneratorWindow.png|240px|''Add a local ID type in the generator'''Name''' field.</li>::The figure below provides an example naming convention for local IDs.]]
[[File:Example Local <li>Enter the name for the new local ID Naming Convention generator in the '''Prefix''' field.png|440px|</li><li>In the '''Figure 167. Example Local ID Naming Convention Next Number''']]field, enter the number you want to assign to the next object of that type that is added to IMSMA. IMSMA will automatically assign the next sequential number to each subsequent object of the same type that is added to IMSMA. </li>
<li> Click the '''Save''' button.
<li> Click the '''Done''' button to close the Local ID Generator window.</li>
<li>In the '''Next Number''' field, enter the number you want to assign to the next object of that type that Now is added to IMSMA. IMSMA will automatically assign the next sequential new Local ID number series ready to each subsequent object of the same type that is added to IMSMA. See Table 49 for an example of how local IDs are assignedbe used in Data Entry Form template designer, see [[Apply a Local ID Generator]].</li>
[[File:Example Assignment of a Local {{NavBox HowTo ID.png|440px|''Table 49.Example Assignment of a Local ID'']]Generator}}
<li> Click the '''Save''' button.[[Category::If you do not want to save the local ID type, click the '''Cancel''' button.</li><li> Click the '''Done''' button to close the Local ID Type window and return to the IMSMA Navigation window.</li></ol>NAA]]