
View and/or Change Custom Defined Fields

97 bytes added, 19:14, 17 June 2017
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You can change the label, description, and active status of CDFs. You can also change the values for multiple selection or single selection CDFs. To view and/or change custom defined fields:
<li>From In the '''Customisation''' menu, select &rarr; '''Data Inventory Manager'''.</li>[[Image:The Data Inventory Manager window displaysDIM category.png|600px|center]]<li>From In the left pane of the Data Inventory Manager window, select the data category to which you would like to view or edit a where the CDFis.</li><li>From In the right pane of the Data Inventory Manager window, select the CDF and click the [[Image:FieldViewIcon.png]] button.</li><center>{| class="wikitable"|-| [[Image:CDF editor3.png|400px]]| width="10pt" || [[Image:CDF editor2.png|600px]]|}</center><li>The CDF Editor window displayseditor looks different depending on data type. </li><li>Change the information as needed. Note that you can only change </li><li>Click the label or descriptionSave button.</li>
{{noteNote|List values can only be changed if the custom defined field is Changing a CDF will not yet used in a published data entry form template.}} <ol start="5"><li>Do one of the following:</li>*To save the custom defined field and close the Custom Defined Field Editor window, click the Save button.</ol> {{note|If you would like to automatically update the custom defined field in existing data entry form templates, you will need to update and republish Data Entry Form Templates that use the data entry form templateCDF.}}
==Copy button==__NOEDITSECTION__
[[Image:DIM copy button1.png|600px|center]]
This button allows copying the different value options of a CDF to another software e.g. Word and Excel, which can be useful for documentation.
*To discard the custom defined field and close the Custom Defined Field Editor window, click <li>Click on the '''CancelCopy''' buttonwhich copies all the values in the left column. </li><li>Switch to the other software. </li>[[Image:DIM copy button2.png|600px|center]]<li>Paste in values by using e.g. Ctrl+V.</li>
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