
View and Edit Auxiliary Data

669 bytes added, 19:00, 17 June 2017
no edit summary
{{Note | To edit Auxiliary data, your {{IMSMANG}} user account must belong to a User Role that has permission with ''Read and Write'' level. Contact your {{IMSMANG}} Administrator if you have questions on permissions. }}
{| class="wikitable" align = right
! This page applies to
| View Assistance Classification
| View Cause Classification
| View Country Structure
| View Needs Classification
| View Ordnance Classification
| View Organisation
| View Place
| Edit Assistance Classification
| Edit Cause Classification
| Edit Country Structure
| Edit Needs Classification
| Edit Ordnance Classification
| Edit Organisation
| Edit Place
To view or edit information:
<li>From In the '''Data Entry''' menu, select the type of Auxiliary data you would like to View or Edit.</li>Depending of which type you selected two different window types will display. <br/> {| class="wikitable" border="1" |-| align="center" | '''Ordnance classificationList Windows''', | align="center" | '''Organisation''' or '''PlacesTree managers'''|-|[[Image:ListWindow.png | 450px]]|[[Image:Tree manager.<png | 300 px]]|-| Select the row with the record you would like to view/edit| Select the node with the record you would like to view/li>edit|}The List window displays.
<li>Select the row with the record you would like to edit.</li>
<li>Click the [[Image:FieldViewIcon.png]] button.</li>
The Editor window opens.
<li>Edit the information as needed.</li>
<li>Do one of the following:</li>* To save the changes you have made, click Click the '''Save''' button. * If you do not want to save any of the changes you have made, click the '''Cancel''' button.</li> 
{{Note | To edit information, your {{IMSMANG}} user account must belong to a User Role that has permission with ''Read and Write'' level. Contact your {{IMSMANG}} Administrator if you have questions on permissions. }}
{{NavBox HowTo Standardizing Auxiliary Data}}